The Media Minute 5.11.22

Every successful business utilizes a CRM to ensure that their strategies are based on relevant prospect, customer, and employee data. Each business requires a different strategy from the next, which makes determining which CRM to use a battle in and of itself. When figuring out how a CRM will benefit your business, you need to compare the different options and see which of these best suits your goals. This blog will help you identify the three main types of CRMs and what you should consider when deciding which is best for your business.

Engagement is on the rise, according to Chartbeat’s global audience insights from the first quarter of 2022… “Our recent analysis of audience data from the past three years found that outside of Q2 2020, engagement has not been keeping pace with traffic,” notes Neary. “With many regions seeing incremental increases in engagement last quarter, it will be important to build on this momentum with strategies for increasing engaged time even further.”

Responsive Display Ads (RDAs) will undergo a major transformation in the second half of 2022 — connecting creativity and advertising — to provide a better mobile offering for advertisers. It’s part of Google’s strategy to bring more creativity and automation into advertising. With responsive display ads, marketers upload images, headlines, logos, videos and descriptions. The platform automatically generates ad combinations for websites, apps, YouTube, and Gmail.

Renewed privacy concerns are inviting not only deeper, scrutinizing looks at tracking techniques, but sweeping changes by tech companies who essentially hold the keys to the toolbox. In this blog, we’ll look at some of the modern, more common tracking practices, the takeaway if these techniques are ultimately taken away, and what those working in the publishing industry can do to craft and execute even more effective outreach plans in their wake.

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