The Media Minute 8.31.22

By prioritizing blog conversions within your content marketing strategy, you could be racking up high-quality leads and, eventually, quantifiable sales results. By optimizing your blog for conversions, you could also stay ahead of the competition. While there’s no one-strategy-fits-all model for increased conversion rates, Mirabel’s Marketing Manager will dive into key conversion metrics, how to optimize your blog for a high conversion rate, and more.

Google has begun rolling out a series of improvements to Search to make it easier to find helpful content “made by, and for, people”, part of a broad continuing effort to bring more authentic info into Google Search. According to the search giant, the “helpful content update” tackles content that seems to have been primarily created for ranking well in search engines rather than to help or inform people.

Thanks to Google, making sense of a world without third-party cookies continues to be a challenge. And it’s hard to plan for the end when it’s so unclear when that will be. The already-crowded market for alternative ways to do this will only get more crowded. To separate the wheat from the chaff, here’s a primer on how the different alternatives are shaking out. There are exceptions and nuances, of course, but in general the alternatives tend to fall into one of three categories.

Programmatic advertising, at its most basic, provides a variety of ways to automate the proactive efforts mentioned above. With that automation, opportunities abound to provide advertisers, publishers, and audiences only those quality ads that make sense. And with that quality comes ample opportunity for all to profit. With that inspiration, we present a glossary of programmatic ads terminology to help your ad sales reps get familiar with the terms and concepts that they will have to understand to sell programmatic ads.

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